“When everything constantly needs approval, you create a culture of nonthinkers.”

― Jason Fried, Rework

I’ve been teaching Computer Sciences for the last 17 years, not as a full-time job, but occasionally just because I really like it ♥ !

Among of my last course topics, I teach Git, Gradle (EN), Web programming (EN), Spring Boot (EN), Enterprise Software Architecture (FR), Agile methodologies like Scrum, Kanban or Lean Startup (FR).

From 2015 to 2018, I was the head of the Department of Learning Innovation at Mines Saint-Etienne, a French Engineering School. I led a team of 6 people who build ingenious pedagogical tools and encourage innovation and change in the learning environment. I brought people (students and teachers) together to explore agile learning practices and active pedagogical methodologies (with practices like problem-based learning, serious games). See the slides of my last talk about agile pedagogy (FR)

as a teacher